Forget the over-done, labour-intensive perfect blow dry that has been popular for the best part of the decade (thank you Duchess) instead the casually coiffed, sensual, insouciant bed-head is back for Autumn 2015.
Jason Collier who has worked with Victoria Beckham and Sienna Miller is excited about the move away from the flawless blow-out. “It was getting decidedly dull there for a minute on the hair styling front. Everyone was after the carefully crafted ‘Kate’ but emergence of ‘air-drying’ as a hair styling trend has helped us all move on.”
Jason admits that while the “undone” look is the ultimate hair goal this season that doesn’t mean leaving hair to its own devices. “Au naturel is how we want hair to look but achieving this look takes effort and know-how, and the right products.”

Oscar Alexander who counts Sadie Frost, Aidan Turner and Noel Fielding among his clients and was responsible for the grown-up undone looks here agrees, “It is all well and good trying to get things looking simplified but very few women (or guys) can get away with simply doing nothing to their hair. Messy knots look cool, imperfect partings look fresh, hair with a bit of Bardot height is perfect for evening. I love Structure Glamtex which is a new generation texturizing spray. Gives hair instant volume, height and style-able grip. It is effectively back-combing in a can. You can get a similar effect with JOICO Hair Shake which is a new liquid-to-powder texturizer. The micro-fine mist amps up hair with the most touchable, velvety-soft, mega-volume finish.”
Denis Kovalyov from Bespoke Hair Care, the UK distributors of Australian brand Original & Mineral has advice on keeping ‘I woke up like this’ hair looking great at all times, “It might sound simple but getting the right shampoo and conditioner is essential. Healthy hair will respond better to styling of any kind and you’ll get the results you are looking for but the fibre texture has to be right. O&M avoids using harsh chemicals wherever possible and makes every effort to include natural extracts and active minerals that deliver real benefits. The range of shampoos and conditioners have been formulated to guard against colour fade and have an in-built UV protection and are all gentle enough to be used daily, if desired.”
Nick Irwin, session stylist to the stars created the desired look on model Poppy Delevingne recently, “This loose, care-free look is great on hair cut not much past the shoulders or shorter, collarbone length is particularly cool, with blunt ends and a centre parting. To get the air-dried effect I rough-dried Poppy’s hair using the H2D iR Hair Dryer with a touch of O&M Style Guru Styling Cream through the hair, for volume and hold. I then used the H2D Magicurl Wand to create waves which were then cooled and messed up using my fingers.”