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Rainbow Room Intl Congress

Scotland’s largest salon group, Rainbow Room International joined together for their 29th Annual Congress at the luxurious Airth Castle Hotel and Spa. Team members from Rainbow Room International’s twelve hair and beauty salons arrived at the spectacular venue for a day of inspirational presentations and challenges.

This years congress theme was; Past, Present and Future. The day started with a fantastic film from Director of Rainbow Room International’s Ayr salon, Riccardo Corvi, who presented an inspirational video showcasing Rainbow Room International’s heritage, as well as interviews with the salon directors. Next, Rainbow Room Intnerational Owner, Alan Stewart, presented data and figures from 2017, sharing information with the salons on how best to utilise the marketing tools they have available to them. This followed by AJC93 PR providing the salons with a PR presentation on the present, showcasing the best coverage from the last year, achievements and how they are set to have as much great coverage for the salons and more in the future. The last presentation was provided by Peter Belcher from The Hairdressers’ Charity, an organisation Alan and Linda are very happy to support regularly to give back to the industry.

The day went on with all the invidual salon teams doing a challenge on new ways to gain client loyalty, with The Academy taking the top spot with their idea of a ‘Rainbow Monitor Card’ and RRI App. Last but not least was ‘the future’ by the Rainbow Room International Art Team with a presentation from Rainbow Room International Directors and Scottish Hairdressers of the Year, Suzie McGill and Dylan Brittain, who showcased gorgeous colour blocking techniques and sharp haircuts, talking through the step by step process. They then brought editorial models on to the stage, where Suzie used cord to add a dufferent dimension to the hair and Dylan cut a strong shape into his models hair with clippers. The next presentation of looks came from Rainbow Room International’s Diana Carson and Yasmin McMail who took to the stage to talk to the salons about nontouring; men peacocking and women being beautiful and swapping ideals. Next, Megan Deigan and Patrick McDougall showcased their stunning models with bright bold colour – yellow and peachy pink really standing out from the crowd. Misha McLean from Rainbow Room International’s Uddingston salon and newest member of the Schwarzkopf Young Artistic Team was invited on stage with her model, presenting an intricate braided crown with threading into a low ponytail. It was a truly inspirational day for all the salons.

In the evening the teams came together for the RRI Congress Awards. The awards include Assistant of the Year and Fantastic Hairdresser of the Year through to the sought after Salon Team of the Year award. This year the Salon of the Year award went to the team at Great Western Road for their heart felt entry, showing how extremely well they work together as part of a team.

Great Western Road Director, John Parker, was joined on-stage by their entire salon team to collect the prestigious award from company directors Alan and Linda Stewart and were overjoyed; “We are just so proud of our team! We can’t describe the feeling to be taking this home tonight, to win Salon Team of the Year is an incredible achievement. However, our Congress isn’t just about our salon as an individual, it is about working together as a team and spreading the Rainbow Room International brand across the UK and keeping the dream alive.”

With the awards over and everyone happy, it was time for the party to begin with the team dancing the night away. A delighted Alan and Linda Stewart said; “It’s a wonderful event and really builds team spirit and gets everyone motivated for the year ahead. Each year the standard gets higher and our judges find it more and more difficult to call. We recognise not only winners but those who are continuously improving as we believe each individual member of our team is special and deserves their own particular recognition of success.”

Rainbow Room International Congress Winners

Assistant of the Year Level 2

Amy Carmichael, Bearsden

Assistant of the Year Level 3

Simone Rigby, Uddingston

Achieving A Rating

The Team at Howard Street

Reception Team of the Year


Academy Trainer of the Year

Stacey Jack, Howard Street

Creative Image Award

Alijah Nerheim, Bearsden

Creative Collection Award


Social Media Award

Bronze - Stephanie Patrick, George Square

Silver – Megan Deigan, Bearsden

Gold – Adele Quinn, Clarkston

Blogger of the Year

Emma McQuillan, Stirling

Special Award for Best Data Input

Beauty at 24 Royal Exchange Square

Fantastic Hairdresser of the Year

Diana Carson, Uddingston

Special Awards – Rainbow Room International Directors all awarded with black diamond Rainbow Room International pin badges

David Nicholson, Royal Exchange Square

Adrian Foxworthy and Cassie Foxworthy, East Kilbride and Clarkston

John Parker and Jo Parker, Great Western Road

Wil Fleeson and Shannon Fleeson, Stirling and Buchanan Street

Riccardo Corvi, Ayr

Leigh Kerr, The Academy

Sam McFarlane and Suzie McGill, Uddingston

Dylan Brittain and Yasmin McMail, George Square

Coco McMahon, Bearsden

Julie-Anne Donaldson and Andrew Donaldson, Crow Road


Great Western Road

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